Saturday, June 25, 2022

Jurassic World Dominion - a review of sorts...

Ideally, an outing after 2yrs of relative lockdown should be memorable! I managed to do with our RTM (Return to Mall) when I took my kids to the mall couple of months back. Can't say the same about our RTT (Return to Theatre!) experience last week!

Gone are the days when heroes were chased by other humans (i.e., our garden variety villains), maybe even ferocious animals. This was upped to superheroes chased by supervillains, then robots. Now we seem to have reached an all new level of villainism - we have actually brought back the (peacefully?) extinct dinosaurs and use them to chase our heroes. And just like it's predecessors (i.e., our garden variety villains) they too get hit by obstructions, slammed around by other vehicles and what not! And yet the hero succeeds! The hero is chased by a couple of ferocious dinosaurs in the middle of a city, nobody even bats an eyelid. Nor do the dinosaurs get distracted by other equally good potential prey. Their complete focus is on the hero only, even though the laser light (which is their cue to attack the human) is long gone. Except for replacing villains with dinosaurs, nothing has changed. If anything, they have made it all the more ridiculous.

Jurassic Park (1) was bad enough..........of course, at that time it was super scary and fantastic. But once I read the book I realized the movie is a very juvenile version of the book. SO naturally, I didn't make the mistake of watching the subsequent series even though the book sequels are pretty good. Unfortunately I had to watch this Jurassic World Dominion because it was the only movie available in theatre for my kids. My kids, to be frank, seemed more interested in the popcorn than the movie itself. And I probably made it worse by continuously comparing the scenes with the original JP(1) and how nothing has changed, really. Except that we have many different varieties of dinosaur that keep the main characters on their toe all the time. However, none of the scenes had any suspense or thrill to it. Same old same old.......

Am sure there is some story somewhere about some genomic research. But it is completely lost in this mess. Between me calling out scenes that were repeated from the original, and the baby behind me asking "is the movie over yet?" "how much longer?" I dont know how much others enjoyed. Considering no one shushed us, well........
Atleast, we were 20min late and I took another 15min to get my kids popcorn so I had to endure far less :)

I guess, for me, all the effort that went into making this a fun movie outing just fell flat. A week back Anand and I went to watch Vikram (night show at that!) and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I loved the movie, the refreshing change of watching on a big screen, and my disbelief that I couldn't just forward violent scenes, or rewind if I missed some dialogue! So I was really looking forward to a fun movie watching experience with my kids as well. I thought for a movie like this Imax (Palazzo-Forum Mall) would be the best, and decided to take metro from Nandanam since we hadn't tried the subway before. On a hot summer day that was not the best of ideas, which we found out later. So with everything going bad I thought I could atleast relax watching movie. And how did that turn out?! :/